Return from Summer and a September of Many Changes

What a summer it's been here at LSE! Lots of travel, lots of great projects and wonderful clients. One of the best parts of my job is learning so much from all that I read. I'm truly blessed to have worked with and learned from some amazing clients this summer!

Many of my clients know that my father died unexpectedly this summer. My family misses him terribly, and I'm eternally grateful for the patience that so many of my clients extended to me as I attended to family concerns.

Before my father's death, I'd been working on a few new Oratoria ideas, and I am planning a sort of re-launch of LSE in the coming months. I'm planning two major shifts, one to the Oratoria (which will hopefully provide more free practical advice for writers, in the spirit of St. Philip Neri) and the other to the focus of our services (we're narrowing our client base, so a shift in services will follow so that we can keep our workflow schedule reasonable).

In the meantime, the Oratoria will be back with updates, and we're still offering our full schedule of services. It's been a busy summer, so if you've been thinking about asking for a quote, now's the time!

Thanks, and I hope many blessings for each of you.